This is a job for your friendly neighborhood Spider-man!
Hudson was very excited to try out the costume that Truman handed down to him over the weekend. He has plenty of room to grow into it, but boy was he excited.
Watch out bad guys!
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
I need a Hero!
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Cutie in footy pajamas
It sure was hard for a mommy to be gone in Colorado when I was getting photos like this!
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Big boy bed for Hudson

I love this bed and asked Hudson tonight if he would want it in our new house. He said no, because that's where the chickens live.
He's at the stage where everything he says is hysterical, so I'll try to document some of it here.
By the way, he has told me numerous times that he wants a Lightening McQueen bed. I have no idea where he has even seen one. But it will be interesting to see who wins this one.
More Birthday Pics
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Cake at the Birthday Party
Hudson could not get over the Cars cake. He kept running over to check it out throughout the party.
Birthday Party Grand Finale
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Happy Birthday!
We are out at Kerby Lane having breakfast and playing with all our birthday cards. So fun!!
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
The Funny Part
I just danced with Hudson for the last time as a two year old, and then had a little cry. I can't believe I'll have a three year old tomorrow!
But in the midst of my grief, here’s something hysterical he said tonight. We were listening to the Toy Story song, You’ve Got a Friend in Me.
Hudson said, here comes the funny part, mommy. I said, oh is there a funny part? He said, Yes, it says “I’ve got a toot.” (I sure didn't think there was a mention of a toot, but maybe a train toot?)
So we’re listening, and it comes to the part, “You’ve got problems, I’ve got ‘em too.” And he dies laughing.
He thinks they are talking about a toot.
And Kirk SWEARS he’s never discussed this with Hudson.
Gotta love having a boy. Happy birthday to the best decision I ever made in my whole life (along with marrying Kirk - it's a tie)!Silly sunglasses
Hudson was a great swimmer today in swimming lessons, and he got this great prize! (Hope we don't accidentally lose them!)
Monday, February 6, 2012
Super Bowl
Half time was a hit again this year. We have watched it 4 times so far, and Hudson woke up this morning saying "I want more Madonna!"
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Visiting the Walkers in Houston
Elle (3 on Monday), Holden (1), Hudson (3 on Wed.), Max (6 in June) waiting on pancakes.
They wore each other out last night playing cars and chase.
Elle has a little trouble with Hudson's name and simply refers to him as Husband. As in "where did my husband go?"