Thursday, July 15, 2010

A little drum playiing on the beach in Montauk

Hudson had a great time playing his "drum" on the beach!

Or you can see it here.

Hudson in Montauk

We leave for Cabo in the morning, so we thought we'd better put up our photos of Montauk up before we leave! We had such a great time that we can't wait to hit the beach again!

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

Hudson makes a Call

While in Montauk, Hudson showed us that he now know what to do with our iPhones. He hasn't quite figured out how to dial, but he know what to say. :)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Early morning park

Hudson still love the park! He especially loves playing with all the gravel and using it to bang on the poles. Super fun!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Yummy BBQ!

Yummy BBQ!
Originally uploaded by Kendra & Kirk Wright

BBQ Road Trip

BBQ Road Trip
Originally uploaded by Kendra & Kirk Wright
We went on a little road trip this morning to Snow's BBQ in Lexington, Texas. Hudson agreed that you didn't even need his newly acquired teeth to eat their delicious brisket, our favorite item. The ribs were also super fun and delish!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Leaving Montauk

We just left Montauk, but first we had to say bye bye to the beach and the back lawn where we spent so many hours on the boardwalk, at the pool, on the swings and cooking out. It was so fun, and we are happy to say the Hudson Loves The Beach (and was such a good boy and a hit among our friends)!

Helpful Hudson

Helpful Hudson
Originally uploaded by Kendra & Kirk Wright
The housekeepers were so sweet to Hudson, and he loved helping them push the laundry carts down the Deck. (See the peek-a-boo view of the ocean over the rose bush? Beautiful!)

Friday, July 2, 2010

Time for the Beach

Hudson was so excited to finally reach the beach in Montauk, NY after a long travel day. He immediately ran down to the water and squealed with delight when the first wave splashed his legs.