Friday, December 23, 2011

Ho Ho Ho

Ho Ho Ho by Kendra & Kirk Wright
Ho Ho Ho, a photo by Kendra & Kirk Wright on Flickr.

Here's my favorite little elf at the airport for California! Wrights, here we come!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Copilot checked out

After a long day of flights where Hudson was a real trooper, he decided there were too many streetlights and red lights on the way to Aunt Barb's house. He put his "blankie" over his head and rode the entire device that way, falling asleep about 30 min prior to getting to her house. (easy transition to bed though:) )

My sweetest boy

My sweetest boy by Kendra & Kirk Wright
My sweetest boy, a photo by Kendra & Kirk Wright on Flickr.

Kirk just landed in Philly after three flights since this morning, and this is Hudson. He was a trooper but is pooped out.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Thank you, Papa!

Thank you, Papa! by Kendra & Kirk Wright
Thank you, Papa!, a photo by Kendra & Kirk Wright on Flickr.

Hudson had a great time but did request Buela next time. :)

It was so great to see him, and we had a cute conversation in the car on the way home:

Me: Daddy's going to go see cows and horses at the rodeo.
H: And sheep?
Me: Yes, there will probably be some sheep.
H: And I think some turtles and ducks.
Me: (not a word - just a mental note to remember stuff like this)

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Ho Ho Ho!

Ho Ho Ho! by Kendra & Kirk Wright
Ho Ho Ho!, a photo by Kendra & Kirk Wright on Flickr.

Hudson visited Cowboy Kringle today!

He told Santa that he was a good boy and won't cry. He wasn't too sure
about looking him in the eye, but had no qualms about sitting on his lap
and telling him what he wanted for Christmas. He "needed" Santa to bring a
race car and a black train.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

A Bus! A Bus!

A Bus! A Bus! by Kendra & Kirk Wright
A Bus! A Bus!, a photo by Kendra & Kirk Wright on Flickr.

For the last two weeks, Hudson has asked me about going for a ride in a bus every time we've seen one. Living in the central part of the city, between two elementary schools and UT, and walking distance from a primary street for CapMetro, you can't imagine how many buses we see in a typical day.

Well today after nap, we went to the corner bus stop and took the bus to the Children's Museum downtown. It had to be the biggest thrill that a dollar ever could buy.

Enjoying the ride

Hudson finally got to ride a bus today to the Museum and he couldn't have been happier. The college kids chuckled as he made up a song about riding the bus. His face stayed pressed to the glass the whole way there. He waved to anyone sitting at each bus stop where we stopped along the way.

Mike Mulligan & His Steamshovel

Hudson turned to me at the Children's Museum and said "I'm like Mike Mulligan and I have a lot of work to do" as he sat down on their excavator and began digging in their ball pit.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Moo by Kendra & Kirk Wright
Moo, a photo by Kendra & Kirk Wright on Flickr.

Another fun day visiting the Art Cow at the Children's Museum.